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My Kitty

Luna Bastet

This page is dedicated completly to my cat Luna.  She's a beautiful Snow Bengal, with bright blue eyes.  Isn't she great?

Here's my lil Luna when she was just a weee kitten.

Hard to believe that a cute lil thing like that is actually a raging tornado of joy and horror.

Yes, I know this isn't my cat.

This is my main char on EverQuest, on the Brell Server.  See how much I love my lil kitten.

Here's my lil Luna.

This was taken before I got her.

You can find some pictures of Luna's Mother, and a few of Luna herself here.

Luna Bastet

Sorry for the crappy photography.  I'm not a photographer.  She's still young in this picture, so she's a lil bit bigger.

On the Prowl
You can see her spots here.  Her spots are darker now, but not very dark. However, they still amaze all my visitors when they see her.
In the Air

Bengals are very active cats.  So I have a few shots of her in Action!

I Got it!!!

I really like this one.


If you like me kitty, let me know, and I'll inform you of when she has some kitties of her own.